Active citizenship in reception education
This website is made for teachers and other stakeholders in reception education of the educational network of the Flemish community (GO!) that want to get started with the GO! learning path Active citizenship in reception education. All information about the learning path, the underlying vision and the supporting tools can be found on this website.
Active citizenship is at the heart of the GO!. To concretise and supplement the Active Citizenship Learning Line for secondary schools, GO! developed a learning path Active Citizenship for reception education.
The main goal of this learning path, which is linked to the Flemish attainment goals for reception education, is to provide young people in reception education with tools to participate fully in our society and to shape this society.
The learning path is competency-oriented and is built around four main competencies: communicating, philosophising, sustainable living together and work-oriented competencies.
We choose for an empowerment approach to coaching young people in reception education in their growth in citizenship competences.
In order to support students and teachers in reception education to grow in active citizenship, GO! developed a competency range Active citizenship for students and an inspiration box for teachers.
The learning path was developed in collaboration with 4 schools of the educational network of the flemish community.
Get inspired by the introductory video.
The Active Citizenship in OKAN learning path was developed within the framework of the FIER project, sponsored by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.